Supporting weekday minyan: We need you!


We are blessed in our community to have a weekday minyan that meets on Sunday, Monday and Thursday mornings. It is great to have a way to start our day together with 45 minutes of prayer and Torah study. Our minyan also fulfills the important purpose of providing a space for community members in mourning or those marking a yahrtzeit to say the Mourner’s Kaddish. Those who are present for minyan fill a vital role in answering “Amen,” to mourners, letting them know they are seen and supported as they grieve and remember their loved ones. This winter has been a difficult one, and we have been struggling to make a minyan, particularly on Monday and Thursday mornings for our 7:15 AM service. We’d like to encourage anyone whose schedule allows to come to one of these services. Even occasional attendance or coming only for the later parts of the service can help us make a minyan (there’s a reason that the Mourner’s Kaddish is traditionally recited at the end!). Please consider making a commitment to attend a service in the next few weeks. We look forward to seeing you!
