Learning and Return


Return, O Israel, to the Lord your God, for you have fallen because of your sin.  Take words with you and return to the Lord (Hosea 14:2-3)
What do we need in order to return to our higher selves?  Of course we need our desire to make a change, and we need to set a new intention for the new year.  We also need to open our hearts to make room for change there.  But we also need something else – we need words to guide and inspire us.  Some of these words come from Torah and from the generations that came before us, who wrote the beautiful words of our prayers.  And we are also blessed in this community to have many teachers and students of Torah whose words can inspire us.  To that end, I wanted to share my talk from Rosh ha-Shanah Day 1 as well as links to teachings that were given in Dorshei Derekh and Minyan Masorti over the New Year holiday.  May we all learn from and be inspired by each other, now and throughout this year.
White Supremacy and Us (Rosh ha-Shanah Day 1, Rabbi Zeff)
High Holiday teachings from Dorshei Derekh and Minyan Masorti
