Family Zoom Havdalah

Please join us - it's good to connect! GJC's family retreat community is hosting a virtual Family Havdalah via Zoom, led by Mike Gross, Penina Kelberg, and their children. It

On Jewish & Israeli Humor with Yair Nitzani

What sets Jewish humor apart from other styles of humor, and what connects Israeli humor to Jewish humor? Who are the pioneers of Israeli humor, and what makes Israel humor

Lunchtime Torah (Zoom)

Join Rabbi Zeff each week online via Zoom for study of the Torah portion and how the ancient rabbis understood it, based on Rabbi Reuven Hammer's A Year with the

Family Kabbalat Shabbat

Help celebrate the 10th anniversary of GJC's Family Retreat! This year's Family Retreat organizers have found creative ways to be together in community virtually, and hope you can join in

Family Zoom Havdalah

Continue the Family Retreat's 10th anniversary celebration! GJC's family retreat community offers a chance for kids and parents to be in community as we mark the transition from Shabbat. Light

Pirkei Avot Study (via Zoom)

Pirkei Avot is a rich collection of rabbinic sayings from the era of the Mishnah (around 0-200 CE). There is a tradition that, each Shabbat between Passover and Shavuot, we


Support Group for People Living Alone

Mondays, 7:00-8:00 PM Facilitated by Andrea Jacobs The challenges and opportunities of living alone have rarely been so profound. Join us to create a community of support and exploration through

People of the Book

GJC’s Jewish Book Reading Group reads fiction and nonfiction books of Jewish interest written mostly, but not solely, by Jewish writers and chosen by the group. Volunteer group members lead


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