Beit Midrash for children

During the months of January & February, students from across GJC's many communities learn, sing, pray, eat, and spend time together on Shabbat mornings. The classes are taught by our

Shabbat Childcare

GJC is pleased to provide drop-off childcare, sponsored by Women of GJC and supervised by an Early Childhood Program teacher, on Shabbat mornings for children age 2-5.  Children play and

Minyan Masorti Shabbat Service

This weekly member-led traditional egalitarian minyan puts an emphasis on a complete traditional prayer service, with repetition of the Amidah in Shacharit and a full Torah reading. The minyan meets

Dorshei Derekh Shabbat Service

This weekly member-led Reconstructionist minyan puts an emphasis on singing, with a full P'sukei d'Zimra (preliminary service), and interactive discussion during the d'var Torah. The minyan meets in the Maslow

Ralph Granger Memorial Shabbat

WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE IN THE POOREST BIG CITY IN AMERICA? How Poverty Affects Everything from Health & Housing to Education & Employment Philadelphia has long been ranked

Musical Marching Minyan

We offer a high-spirited, action packed monthly musical prayer service for children younger than elementary school, but old enough to walk (or be carried by a willing adult!).

Jr. Congregation

In this weekly prayer service, children take the lead in running the program contributing in whatever way is comfortable for them.  Some children lead prayers in English or Hebrew; some

Shabbat Youth Supervision (age 6+)

GJC is pleased to offer teen-supervised care for children age 6-12 so that parents can attend the afternoon programming during this special Shabbat.



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