Hoshana Rabbah

This special service for the 7th day of Sukkot is traditionally seen as the final conclusion of the season of repentance, featuring melodies from the whole Jewish year, 7 hakafot

Religious School

Sitting at the intersection of tradition, innovation, and community, the Religious School at GJC is committed to educating a new generation of kids for our evolving Jewish world. Our program

Israeli Dancing

Taught by our wonderful, experienced dance teacher, Grant Shulman, GJC's Israeli dance group welcomes dancers of all ages and levels. We begin each session with 45 minutes of beginner dances,

Scotch in the Sukkah

This year, the GJC Men's Club is taking Scotch in the Sukkah out into the neighborhood! Join old friends and new for scotch and nosh in the sukkah at the


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