Morning Minyan

Prayer is for every day, and GJC supports a weekday minyan service, including Torah reading when appropriate, on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday mornings throughout the year in the Magil Chapel.

Rosh ha-Shanah Family JAM

How do we teach our children to appreciate the diversity of the world? By starting from the very beginning…in the Garden of Eden with the moon, the sun, and a

Rosh ha-Shanah Community Dinner

We invite you to start the holidays in sweet fellowship at GJC with a delicious community dinner catered by Centre Catering (under Traditional Kosher Supervision.) The cost of the dinner

Yom Hadash: Erev Rosh ha-Shanah Musical Service

On erev Rosh ha-Shanah, in the first moments of the new year, when everything is possible and all ways are open to us, this service offers a chance to come


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