Refuat ha-Nefesh: Healing our souls


As human beings and as Jews, we constantly find ourselves caught between our vision of what the world and our lives in it could be and the reality of what they currently are. The gap between the ideal and the real often causes us pain. This pain comes to us when we confront the death of someone close to us, an illness that strikes us or one we love, the loss of work or other life changes, or just the injustice of a world that does not conform to what we know it could and should be. At these times, we need each other’s presence and a sacred space in which we can come to terms with our pain. At GJC, we provide a space for this in our Refuat ha-Nefesh healing service on the first Tuesday of each month in the Charry Sanctuary at 7:00 PM. This one-hour service uses singing, meditation, sharing, and study to help all of us learn to bear the pain and to move toward wholeness and healing. I invite you to join us. If you’d like more information, please do be in touch.
